On 2/13/07, John T Whelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The one catch with this, practically, is that the "top" x axis is
> written in the same place as the plot title.  I have yet to play with
> the placement of the title.

A combination of moving the stop of the subplot down with the
subplots_adjust function and  moving the title up by increasing the y
value (1 is the top of the axes) should do it

In [39]: fig = figure()
In [40]: subplots_adjust(top=0.8)
In [41]: ax1 = subplot(111)
In [42]: ax2 = twiny(ax1)
In [43]: ax1.plot(rand(100), rand(100), 'bo')
Out[43]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance at 0x93e8e8c>]
In [44]: ax2.plot(20*rand(100), rand(100), 'rs')
In [45]: ax1.set_title('this is a test', y=1.1)
Out[45]: <matplotlib.text.Text instance at 0x8e1c0ec>

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