Hello list,

refering to the thread 'activate/deactivate RectangleSelector' of the 
developer-mailing-list I thought a bit about the problem because I found it 
quite irritating that the RS couldn't be stopped during zooming.

I attached a patch including Martin's example and my proposal to (de)activate 
RectangleSelector including deactivation during zoom mode.

I hope this is helpful for others too and can be part of matplotlib.

best regards,

PS: Should I send those mails to developer mailing list?
Index: widgets.py
--- widgets.py	(revision 3261)
+++ widgets.py	(working copy)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 from lines import Line2D
 from numerix import array
 from transforms import blend_xy_sep_transform
+from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
 class LockDraw:
@@ -952,24 +953,40 @@
         warnings.warn('Use SpanSelector instead!', DeprecationWarning)
         SpanSelector.__init__(self, ax, onselect, 'horizontal', **kwargs)
 class RectangleSelector:
     Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes
     Example usage:
-      ax = subplot(111)
-      ax.plot(x,y)
+        from matplotlib.widgets import  RectangleSelector
+        from pylab import *
-      def onselect(eclick, erelease):
+        def onselect(eclick, erelease):
           'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release'
-          print 'startposition : (%f,%f)'%(eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
-          print 'endposition   : (%f,%f)'%(erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
-          print 'used button   : ', eclick.button
+          print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
+          print ' endposition   : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
+          print ' used button   : ', eclick.button
-      span = Selector(ax, onselect,drawtype='box')
-      show()
+        def toggle_Selector(event):
+            print ' Key pressed.'
+            if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_Selector.RS.active:
+                print ' RectangleSelector deactivated.'
+                toggle_Selector.RS.set_active(False)
+            if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_Selector.RS.active:
+                print ' RectangleSelector activated.'
+                toggle_Selector.RS.set_active(True)
+        x = arange(100)/(99.0)
+        y = sin(x)
+        fig = figure
+        ax = subplot(111)
+        ax.plot(x,y)
+        toggle_Selector.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line')
+        connect('key_press_event', toggle_Selector)
+        show()
     def __init__(self, ax, onselect, drawtype='box',
                  minspanx=None, minspany=None, useblit=False,
@@ -998,8 +1015,6 @@
         Use type if you want the mouse to draw a line, a box or nothing
         between click and actual position ny setting
         drawtype = 'line', drawtype='box' or drawtype = 'none'.
         self.ax = ax
         self.visible = True
@@ -1009,6 +1024,7 @@
         self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)
         self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)
+        self.active = True                    # for activation / deactivation
         self.to_draw = None
         self.background = None
@@ -1049,6 +1065,14 @@
     def ignore(self, event):
         'return True if event should be ignored'
+        # If RectangleSelector is not active :
+        if not self.active:
+            return True
+        # If zoom mode was activated
+        if not (Gcf.get_active().toolbar.mode == ''):
+            return True
         # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out
         # of the axes
         if self.eventpress == None:
@@ -1139,6 +1163,17 @@
             return False
+    def set_active(self, active):
+        """ Use this to activate / deactivate the RectangleSelector
+            from your program with an boolean variable 'active'.
+        """
+        self.active = active
+    def get_active(self):
+        """ to get status of active mode (boolean variable)"""
+        return self.active 
 class Lasso(Widget):
     def __init__(self, ax, xy, callback=None, useblit=True):
         self.axes = ax
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