
All I want is to:

a) Insert all of the plots I create with MPL onto a Word document.  

As I said before, my version of Word does not recognize the EPS or PS format 
created by MPL.  I am not blaiming MPL.  I am just not willing to send Redmond 
money to see if their later version does the job properly.   The version of 
Word I have does not import PDF files neither.   Besides, the PDF backend of 
MPL fails when the total number of figures is more then 8.

b) Be able to cut and paste part of a MPL figure and insert that to Word.  I 
can do it now via the Gimp path but as I explained previously, the quality is 
not the greatest.   I'll look up the cookbook you cited and try that.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Barker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 11:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] SVG vs PNG
> > Thanks everybody for the explanation of svg in Gimp.  That makes 
> > sense.  Is there any vector based program that does what Gimp does?
> By definition, No. GIMP is a raster editor, it is similar to other 
> raster editors, and fundamentally different than vector 
> graphics programs.
> There is a little overlap, what do you want to do?
> It sound like what you really need is a way to put MPL plots 
> in a Word 
> doc. Ideally, you'd use a vector format like EPS, because 
> that's exactly 
> what EPS is for. However, MS has never been good at supporting open 
> formats like that.
> I'd try PDF. Recent versions of Word may do OK with that.
> Otherwise, you're back to a lowest common denominator. I've ended up 
> just using PNG. If you set the ppi right, it works just fine. 
> See this 
> Wiki page for how to do that:


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception


John Henry

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