I've converted an analysis program that does some plotting to use the
matplotlib API, then wrote a GUI control program using wxWidgets to call it.
I've tried to keep the two parts as separate as possible so there is an
analysis class that is instantiated in the GUI part, and then the GUI part
just calls the analysis methods.


Ok, so under ipython -pylab everything seems to (mostly) go ok. The GUI
comes up, data gets loaded into the analysis object, processed and plotted
in a couple of separate matplotlib windows (ie. ones that are not
specifically part of the GUI), and results come back to update some wx
textctrl fields on the GUI. I qualify this as mostly ok because if I use the
TkAgg backend for the plotting, which is done by the analysis class, the
whole lot crashes to non-existence as soon as either plot window is moved
(yep, this is Windows). If I use the wxAgg backend, however, it seems to
play nice(r).


The problem is when all this is done outside of ipython - ie. running from
the command line ala "python myAnalysisUI.py" - the matplotlib figures come
up when required but text fields are no longer updated in the GUI once
plotting is done. The GUI is still responsive to clicks on buttons etc, but
it's as if the final bit after plotting gets blocked.


This makes me wonder about a couple of things. How well do essentially
independent matplotlib windows work with a wx App? The fact one backend
works (wxAgg) and one doesn't (TkAgg) is a bit strange. Should I be doing
something related to threads, which is where maybe ipython is doing a better
job, to finish what needs doing in the GUI once plotting has finished?
Haven't done anything involving threading so far so I'm guessing here. I
should add I do import a few things from pylab - figure, show, twinx. I
gather pylab and wx don't mix well.


A Minor Detail: wxAgg backend plots by default are missing the left and
right navigation button bitmaps in the toolbar which looks a bit funny to
me. Only when you pan/zoom do they start to appear. I made the following
change to my local copy of backend_wx.py so they'd always appear, if
anyone's interested. Doesn't seem to be bothered when clicking arrows if
there's no history.

    def set_history_buttons(self):

##        can_backward = (self._views._pos > 0)

##        can_forward = (self._views._pos < len(self._views._elements) - 1)

##        self.EnableTool(self._NTB2_BACK, can_backward)

##        self.EnableTool(self._NTB2_FORWARD, can_forward)

        self.EnableTool(self._NTB2_BACK, True)

        self.EnableTool(self._NTB2_FORWARD, True)


The other vitals are: OS: WinXP, Python 2.5, matplotlib 0.90.1, wxPython, ipython 0.8.2


Paul Smith

Systems Engineer

CAT Underground Mining Technology

Ph: +61 (0)3 9853 4050

Fax: +61 (0)3 9853 4955


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