> x = [1,2,3]
> > y = [10,20,30]
> > self.subplot.plot(x, y)
> I don't understand--where did "self" come from?

Sorry--"self" here refers to an instance of a wxPanel class in my wxPython
It is the parent window for the mpl subplot which is meant to be a child of
The subplot is itself a child of a Figure, so the creation is like this:

self.figure = Figure(None, dpi)
self.subplot = self.figure.add_subplot(111)

 If we assume that self.subplot is in fact an axes instance, then you can
> use
> self.subplot.plot_date(...), where the arguments would be the same as if
> you were using pylab.plot_date(...).

Is it?  How is Figure() related to axes?

Maybe it would also help for you to look at dates.py (one of the mpl
> modules)?

I will try; so far, when I try to adapt the examples given in this thread to
wx embedded app it is not working...

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