Does anyone here have any experience converting GMT color palettes into pylab colormaps? I took a stab at it, and the results are not really what I expected.

GMT, for the unfamiliar, is a scientific plotting/mapping package that I'm doing my best to rid myself of. If you've never heard of it, then you can probably ignore this message.

Here's my attempt at bringing in a GMT color palette:


from pylab import *

#GMT color palette - Colors are specified by a RGB triplet with each value in the range #0-255. The palette below specifies that a data value between 1 and 2 will be assigned a color #linearly interpreted between the colors (255,255,255) and (191,204,255).

# 0       255     255     255     1       255     255     255
# 1       255     255     255     2       191     204     255
# 2       191     204     255     3       160     230     255
# 3       160     230     255     4       128     255     255
# 4       128     255     255     5       122     255     147
# 5       122     255     147     6       255     255     0
# 6       255     255     0       7       255     200     0
# 7       255     200     0       8       255     145     0
# 8       255     145     0       9       255     0       0
# 9       255     0       0       10      200     0       0
# 10      200     0       0       13      128     0       0

cdict = {'red': ((0.0,1.00,1.0),
         'green': ((0.0,1.00,1.00),
         'blue': ((0.0,1.00,1.00),

my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap',cdict)

Michael Hearne
(303) 273-8620
USGS National Earthquake Information Center
1711 Illinois St. Golden CO 80401
Senior Software Engineer
Synergetics, Inc.

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