On Jan 14, 2008 3:55 PM, Michael Droettboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think what you're asking for would require a pretty major overhaul of
> matplotlib.  The fact that all the text etc. remains the same size is a

matplotlib is designed to scale in the way Jurgen requests with DPI
(eg fonts, line thicknesses and the like scale with DPI).

In [65]: fig = figure()

In [66]: plot([1,2,3])
Out[66]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance at 0xbf965ec>]

In [67]: fig.dpi.set(200)

In [68]: fig.canvas.draw()

with a little work, one could hook into the resize mechanism to
increase the dpi to create the desired effect w/o a major overhaul.
By default what happens is the width and height in inches are changed
with a resize but the dpi is held constant.  One could trick
matplotlib by computing a new width, height in inches, and a new dpi
so that the resized canvas width in pixels is the requested size based
on the resize event but the dpi is increased to create the microcal


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