Hi all,

I'm having an odd issue with the wxAgg back-end:

windows XP
python 2.5.2 (from python.org)
wxPython unicode (binary from wxPython.org)
MPL 0.91.2 (binary from MPl site)

when I run:
import matplotlib
import pylab

I get a popup dialog:

"This application failed to start  because wxmsw26uh_vc.dll was not found"

It looks like it is looking for a wxPython2.6 dll, which it doesn't 
find, because I'm running wxPython2.8

I'm guessing this binary was compiled against wxPython2.6, but I thought 
the current wxAgg back-end didn't try to use the accelerated module for 

Any ideas?

By the way, there are a number of other small bugs cropping up in the 
pylab window with wxagg too -- but I'll look at those once I solve this.

Is no one else using MPL with wxPython2.8?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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