First to correct some confusion (and a good candidate to add to the new 
docs that everyone is working so hard on...):  mathtext and usetex are 
completely independent systems, and you can only use either one of the 
other.  Therefore, if usetex is True, none of the mathtext settings will 
have any effect.

Erik Tollerud wrote:
> I am having trouble figuring out how to control the weight of labels
> and text with the usetex option set to True.  I would like to force
> all mathmode labels and text to be at least bold.  I can imagine doing
> this either by substituting a font (i.e. changing the mathtext.fontset
> to 'custom' and all of the different matext.?? to some boldface font),
> or some the font.weight rc parameter, but neither of these has any
> effect - whatever I do, the mathmode and other TeX formatted text
> stays the same weight.  How can I make it just turn up the weights to
> bold without changing anything else?
This is not something that is directly supported.  When usetex is True, 
all of the rendering happens with (La)TeX, so you're limited by what 
(La)TeX can do.  You would probably need to find some LaTeX package that 
does this, and then \include it in the LaTeX preamble using the 
"text.latex.preamble" setting.  My quick Googling didn't reveal anything 
that can do that, however.

You can get bold in a math expression by enclosing content in \mathbf{}, 
but that is by definition "upright" bold.  The reason, I believe, is 
that (core) LaTeX simply doesn't include the fonts for Greek characters 
and other symbols in bold.


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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