Andrea Gavana wrote:
> Hi All,
>     I have switched from matplotlib 0.91.2 to 0.98.1, and I have
> noticed a couple of "strange" behaviours (I am not using PyLab, but
> matplotlib embedded in wxPython):
> 1) If I use:
> ylims = self.myAxis.get_ylim()
> And then I add other lines to the plot, the value of ylims is
> modified. It gets modified even if I use something like this:
> ylims = self.myAxis.get_ylim()[:]
> The only way of keeping the ylims list untouched by other plotting
> commands I have to do this:
> ylims = copy.deepcopy(self.leftaxis.get_ylim())
> Which is a bit of an overkill. See the attached Python script for an
> example. This did not happen before in 0.91.2.
That is the intended behavior and is preferred in many cases.  Most of 
the transformations and dimensions are now stored in numpy arrays that 
are mutable and updated in place.  Since these are numpy arrays, you 
could also do:

  ylims = self.leftaxis.get_ylim().copy()

which is a bit less typing.

Sorry about the change.  I will note it in the API_CHANGES document.
> 2) The dashed text positioning is wrong, you can see it by running
> in the
> matplotlib_examples_0.98.1\examples\pylab_examples: the position of
> the values should be at the other end of the dash, not over the
> plotted point.
Yes, you're right.  That is a bug.  I will look into this.


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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