James K. Gruetzner wrote:
>>>  I'm running Fedora 8, python 2.5.1, and matplotlib 0.91.2-1.fc8  from
>>> the yum repository.   Backend is set to GTKAgg in my matplotlibrc file.
>> (On this list top-posting is frowned upon -- it makes the conversation
>> difficult to follow.)
> I understand.  Sorry.  Each list is different:  I'm new here, and will try 
> remember.  

No problem.  Also, don't forget reply-to-all, so that the whole of the 
list can chime in here. :)

>> Your analysis is correct, the call to show() activates the GUI mainloop
>> and does not return until the window is closed.  Within ipython there is
>> some magic that occurs that runs the mainloop in a separate thread.
>> What do you need to do after the call to show()?
> In my current situation, I need to extract and display data (images) 
> independently from several different files as part of debugging a larger 
> application.  (I'm really not reading a file into the original array, but 
> running some shell commands using os.popen2(...) to eventually populate the 
> array:  that part works.)    The upshot is that in the course of a few hours, 
> I may have to display (and kill) a large number of images.  
> The current "hang" means that I have an effective memory leak, and I'd have 
> to 
> keep track of Process IDs and manually kill them every so often.  Were the 
> pylab.show() command to return after closing the window (clicking on the X), 
> then a backgrounded or daemon process should terminate.  But it doesn't.  
> This seems to be the same problem causing Dragan S.'s problem.  
> I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but would assuredly like to find 
> a 
> way to kill the leak.

I'm not sure about the lack of returning after the call show(), though 
it does sound like a bug.  What I *do* know is that multiple calls to 
show() is frowned upon (if not just completely unsupported).  What you 
probably want to look at is the dynamic_image_gtkagg.py example (in the 
examples/ directory).  Since you're already using GtkAgg, it should be 
*really* easy to adapt the example to fit your needs.  I've personally 
adapted it to do a live data display of a simulation run.  If you *need* 
it to wait for user interaction before continuing, there might be a 
little bit more work, but I don't think it'd be much.  You could 
probably instead look at some of the Matplotlib UI widgets, like in the 
buttons.py example.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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