I'm doing some date plotting and make use of dateutil.  The version
I have is given as 1.2-mpl and I believe it installed directly with the
latest matplotlib installation.

My problem is with dateutil's microsecond precision. An example:

>>> date = '2009-01-11 03:55:23.255000'
>>> d = dateutil.parser.parse(date)
>>> d
datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 11, 3, 55, 23, 254999)

Note the microseconds of the datetime object are 254999,
whereas the original date string given was 255000.  This matters
to me in that I am matching to a database and would prefer to
have the two values just match without further manipulation.

I thought maybe newer versions of dateutil would have had this
issue worked out.  I see there is a dateutil 1.4.1 available, here:

But I can't seem to install it.  If I go into its downloaded directory
and in the Win command line write "python setup.py install"
it complains "No module named setuptools".  (I can usually
install things in this way fine).

Can anyone help me out?  And can matplotlib include the
more updated version of dateutil in its future releases?


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