Hello Paul Anton,

On Tuesday 24 February 2009 09:44:38 Paul Anton Letnes wrote:
> Is it possible to completely eliminate the  
> windows popping up? Though not very important, it is still annoying  

You may want to choose another backend. That is e.g. "agg" backend, that 
doesn't use a X-window. Something like the following should give what you 
import matplotlib
# Please notice: Backend must be chosen before importing pylab 
import pylab

pylab.plot( ... )

regards Matthias

PS: some more information copied from the online docu: 


matplotlib.use(arg, warn=True)

    Set the matplotlib backend to one of the known backends.

    The argument is case-insensitive. For the Cairo backend, the argument can 
have an extension to indicate the type of output. Example:


    will specify a default of pdf output generated by Cairo.

    Note: this function must be called before importing pylab for the first 
time; or, if you are not using pylab, it must be called before importing 
matplotlib.backends. If warn is True, a warning is issued if you try and 
callthis after pylab or pyplot have been loaded. In certain black magic use 
cases, eg pyplot.switch_backends, we are doing the reloading necessary to 
make the backend switch work (in some cases, eg pure image backends) so one 
can set warn=False to supporess the warnings

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