Try switching to the Ps backend by putting:

import matplotlib

at the top of your script.  That will take gtk and its popup windows out 
of the equation.

After doing that, you should get a traceback at the terminal that should 
help narrow this down.  At this point we can only guess, without a line 

Can you also provide a minimal script that causes this error?  I'm 
particularly puzzled by the difference in output between PDF and PS.


Pau wrote:
> Hello,
> using under OpenBSD -current
> I have made a plot and, when I try to save it as eps/ps, I get the
> error "float argument required" in a pop-up window, whilst the
> terminal shows this error message:
> /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
> GtkWarning: Unable to find default local directory monitor type
>  if != int(gtk.RESPONSE_OK):
> I can save it as pdf, but the quality is not what I want. The curves
> do not have the thickness I gave them.
> I reproduced the same running it under Fedora 10.
> I have googled and yahooed. Found nothing.
> It looks as if the some function was expecting a decimal-point number
> but got something else.
> I can send the .py and data, if you wish.
> Thanks,
> Pau
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