Eric Firing wrote:
> Xavier Gnata wrote:
>>> Right now, the default is very simple:
>>>     def format_data_short(self,value):
>>>         'return a short formatted string representation of a number'
>>>         return '%1.3g'%value
>>> It looks like changing it to something like "%-12g" would facilitate 
>>> considerable improvement in reducing the jumping around of the 
>>> numbers, as well as in providing much more precision.  I think that 
>>> 12 is the max number of characters in g conversion.  Or maybe it is 
>>> 13; I might not have tested negative numbers.
>>> The problem is that then it crowds out the other part of the 
>>> message, the pan/zoom status notification etc.
>>> Breaking the message into two lines almost works (so far only 
>>> checking with gtkagg), but the plot gets resized depending on 
>>> whether there is a status or not.
>>> I think that with some more fiddling around with that part of the 
>>> toolbar--probably including breaking the message up into separate 
>>> messages for status and readout, and maybe making the readout use 
>>> two lines and always be present--we could make the readout and 
>>> status display much nicer.  I have never liked the way it jumps around.
>> I also agree.
>> However, I would like to be sure I understand one point correctly:
>> As long as x<1000, the default format *is* an integer (at least when 
>> imshow(M) is used).
> No. Try
> imshow(rand(4,4))
> There is nothing special about imshow that makes the cursor readout an 
> integer, nor should there be.
> Again, the present default is "%1.3g". I think we can and will do 
> better, but it is not necessarily trivial.
> Eric
ok. My bad! Sorry.
I have changed the default to %1.4g so that is matches my usecases *but* 
I agree that correct way to improve it in not that trivial...


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