Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> The other problem I have is that the xtick_labels are cut off at the 
> bottom when the frame is resized below a certain size.  How can I 
> prevent this?

I don't think MPL yet has a system for making things fit, so you need to 
change the size/position of your axes object:

axes.set_position(pos, which='both')

     Set the axes position with:

     pos = [left, bottom, width, height]

these are in "figure units" which are relative to figure size, from 0 to 
1. Unfortunately, what this means is that the amount of space for the 
axis labels varies with the size of the figure, as you've discovered.

The default for a single axes in a figure is:

(0.125,  0.1,  0.9,  0.9)

so you might try something like:

axes.set_position((0.125,  0.15,  0.9,  0.85) )

what is best depends on what size you want your figure to look good at.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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