Farhan Sheikh wrote:
> i have python 2.6 running on my mac osx 10.5, however when installing  
> the binary file provided, it says i need to have python 2.6 on my  
> machine. i dont understand why this is happening as when open a new  
> terminal and type 'python', python version 2.6.2 is the version that  
> is run. My supervisor also had a look at this and could not figure it  
> out. He linked python 2.6 with the python command but the install file  
> still did not recognise python 2.6.
> anybody have the same issue? or know of how to fix this issue?

How did you install 2.6? The binary MPL installer is probably looking 
for the python.org 2.6, which would be in /Library/Frameworks/....

If you are using a macports python, for instance, the installer wouldn't 
find it.

"which python" at the command line might help clear this up.


python -c "import sys; print sys.path"

That will spew out a bunch of dirs, and where there are should tell you 
where your python is installed.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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