Andre Walker-Loud wrote:
>> IPython can remedy all your wonderings :)

I second that!

> What I have in mind is writing code that I can call from a terminal, as 
> opposed to interactively as with iPython.

you can call ipython with a script as a command line parameter:


so you can make an alias, or a little shell r batch script that calls 
ipython with your script.

>  However, in iPython, can you 
> have a module/script running, and asking me as the user for input?

sure -- either with simple raw_input and friends, or with the GUI 
toolkit of your choice (GTK, wxPython, etc), jsut use the same one as 
you use for MPL.

The key here is that GUI toolkits run a Mainloop() to process user 
input, and once you've started that, they block python until it's done.

What Ipython does is (optionally) start up the GUI toolkit in another 
thread, so that the main interactive prompt is not blocked. It's handy 
for mixing an interactive prompt and GUI stuff, even if you aren't using 
MPL. Plus you get all the other nifty iPython features.

Give it try -- it's wonderful.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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