Eric Firing wrote:
> I have committed a change to svn trunk, so that if you change the
> above to
> q = plt.quiver([0],[0], [1], [1], scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=1)


You might recall that I spent a bit of time making a "stick plot" with 
quiver. I go to work OK, but I couldn't do exactly what I wanted. I 
think gets closer, but I"m not sure it quite gets there:

How exactly are the arrows scaled with scale_units='xy'? What I'd like 
is for the length of the arrow to the the y scale only -- the x scale it 
irrelevant (x is time, y is velocity). Can I do that with this?

> (Maybe I should add "width_units", identical to "units", and deprecate 
> the latter; this might make the meanings of the kwargs clearer.)


But if you're doing that, you may want to make more changes, also -- you 
might as well do them all at once.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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