John [H2O] wrote:
> Jeff Whitaker wrote:
>> John:  I don't have time to look at your code right now, but let me just 
>> make some general comments about plotting images on maps.  If you want 
>> to use imshow, the data your are plotting must coincide exactly with 
>> your map plot area.  So, for example if you want to plot a global 
>> lat/lon grid on a north polar stereographic projection, you have to 
>> interpolate to a rectangular grid in projection coordinates that fits in 
>> the map region.  However, in practice I find it's almost never worth 
>> doing this.  You can plot the data in the native coordinates on almost 
>> any map projection region using pcolormesh or contourf,  Just calculate 
>> the x,y values of the of the data grid, and pass those values along with 
>> the data to either one of those methods.  Is there any particular reason 
>> you want to use imshow, instead of pcolormesh or contourf?
>> -Jeff
> Jeff,
> I started using pcolormesh, but ran into the problem that I really required
> a log scale color map for the plotting. As I recall, this could only be done
> with imshow - but perhaps that has changed? 

The color mapping is the same with imshow or pcolormesh.  See the recent 
thread on "logarithmic colormaps".
> Regardless, I've done some
> further testing. It seems I have the following problems with it:
> 1) It is much more 'coarse' in the coloring, imshow offers a finer/smoother
> looking gradient. 
Only way around that with pcolormesh is to interpolate to a finer grid.  
Imshow will interpolate the colors, pcolormesh will not.
> 2) The bigger problem occurs when plotting in npstere, which I use quite
> often. Maybe I have to add a wrap around, but as it is, I get a 'seam' at
> the -180/180 meridian. 
Just add a wraparound - that's easy with the addcyclic function.
> 3) At the pole, there is a empty spot, creating a hole in my plots. This I
> can't work with... :s
That's because you don't have a grid point at the pole.  You could add 
one (by extrapolating the from the highest latitude).

> Thanks again for your input.
> -john 

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