> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donovan Parks [mailto:donovan.pa...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 1:31 PM
> To: matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Matplotlib-users] Log scale for horizontal bar chart (2
> bugs)
> Hello,
> I've encountered two bugs recently in matplotlib. I am hoping someone
> can tell me if these are known issues and if any workarounds have been
> proposed. The bug occurs for horizontal bar chart where the x-axis has
> a log scale:
> from pylab import *
> val = 3+10*rand(5)     # the bar lengths
> pos = arange(5)+.5    # the bar centers on the y axis
> axes = subplot(111)
> axes.barh(pos,val, align='center')
> axes.set_xscale('log')
> for a in axes.yaxis.majorTicks:
>   a.tick1On=False
>   a.tick2On=False
> for a in axes.xaxis.majorTicks:
>   a.tick1On=True
>   a.tick2On=False
> for loc, spine in axes.spines.iteritems():
>   if loc in ['left','right','top']:
>       spine.set_color('none')
> show()
> If you run this code, you will see that only the end caps of the
> horizontal bars are drawn. Furthermore, tick marks appear at the top
> of the plot (despite explicitly turning them off). If a linear scale
> is used the plot is generated as expected. The issue with tick marks
> appearing incorrectly with log axes appears to occur with many types
> of graphs (well, at least the three I tried).

Just wanted to chime in here and note that a similar issue can occur with 
boxplots and log-scales. I think the issue here is that the rectangle patch is 
told to draw at the patch length at *zero*. Since there is no zero on a log 
scale, the rectangle patch is not fully rendered. That's just my 

Good luck,

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