Christopher Barker wrote:

> The diskimage is usually built for the python binary supplied by 
> -- that is what the message means by the "system version". I 
> tried to submit a patch to change that message a year or two ago, but I 
> guess it never got applied -- maybe I'll try again.

I took a look at the source for the latest bdist_mpkg -- it looks like 
it should now give a message like:

"This package requires MacPython to be installed"

though It's all a bit complicated -- did whoever built the dmg use the 
latest bdist_mpkg?

But maybe should still do:

> A note to developers/distributors:
> Robin Dunn figured out a way to install a binary wxPython that will work 
> with both the Apple and the binaries. What it does it put it 
> in /usr/local, and then put a pth file in both of the pythons so that it 
> can be found. A bit of a hack, but it works, and I've never heard anyone 
> have a problem with it.
> Perhaps we should do the same thing with MPL -- I'm sure he'd be glad to 
> share his scripts for building it.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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