2010/3/29 Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu>:
> It already has this.  You can pass in a custom locator or set of tick
> locations via the "ticks" kwarg, but if you don't, a locator is chosen
> automatically.  Except in special cases, this will be a MaxNLocator. See the
> ColorbarBase._ticker method.

Ah, thanks, It escaped my notice that there is a toplevel "if
self.locator is None:" statement ... ok.

> Ah, maybe what you mean is a text option to the "ticks" kwarg that would
> specify MaxNLocator without requiring one to instantiate a MaxNLocator? I
> don't think this makes sense for the case when boundaries are specified
> explicitly.

No, what I intended is exactly what you pointed out.

Btw, can you tell me what the *values* kwarg's semantic is?  I guess,
it shall be the center values of the values displayed, but then the
implementation for this in ColorbarBase._process_values() would be


P.S.: I assume you have be caught by the "misconfiguration" of the
list that the sender is used as the default recipient, so I post back
to the list?

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