2010/3/29 Friedrich Romstedt <friedrichromst...@gmail.com>:
> Note that the ticking is a bit weird, there is also a bug in
> matplotlib I will report on right after this e-mail, whose bugfix you
> will maybe want to apply to get ticking properly working.  When you
> have insane values for C.min() and C.max() anyway, I'm afraid you have
> to retick manually with *ticks* to colorbar().  The ticker.MaxNLocator
> is only used when not using the *boundaries* arg to colorbar(),
> unfortunately.  Otherwise it tries to create maximal many and less
> than 11 ticks by using the lowest value and an appropriate step in
> *boundaries*.  I think the implementation of ticking is cumbersome and
> never optimal.

You can get rid of this night mare by giving the kwarg "ticks =
matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator()" to fig.colorbar().  Then the
*boundaries* aren't used for ticking (but still for plotting).


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