The list config got me, so to the list too ...

2010/3/31 Matthias Michler <>:
> On Wednesday 31 March 2010 09:24:10 yogesh karpate wrote:
>> Dear All,
>>                I am using one image of 235X130 and plotting the curve on
>> it, now when i save it it goes  in the resoltuion  of 800X600,
>> I want to keep the resolution intact.What can be done for that to keep the
>> resolution same?
> You can adjust the resolution by changing the figure size and the dpi in
> savefig.

I think, but am not shure, that a problem could be that text is scaled
according to dpi, such that ugly things result with e.g. dpi = 2 or
so.  You can also use, when you have an 2-element iterable *shape*
created, holding the pixel extent:

dpi = fig.dpi
fig.set_size_inches(shape[0] / dpi, shape[1] / dpi)

The standard dpi is sensible, otherwise it's for sure possible to
override beforehand.

Then your save command should give the desired result.  I have no time
to check, sorry, may you do that :-) Thanks.


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