2010/4/11 Alan G Isaac <alan.is...@gmail.com>:
> On 4/11/2010 9:27 AM, Friedrich Romstedt wrote:
>> I think you can use Tk via the Tkinter Python package.  On linux I
>> heard it's looking a bit weird, but as a starting points it's easy
>> enough.
> Weird how?
> Will that be fixed with the new release (ttk, in Python 2.7)?

Hmm, it was meant as a warning, nothing shure.  I just read somewhere
that the Tk, although originating from linux, would look the worst on
linux.  I can neither verify nor falsify, because I have no linux.

Sorry for the noise.  I even cannot exclude that it's wrong.

This amazing page: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/ttk.html (I
especially like the ComboBox, something I always missed in Tkinter :-)
states that look and feed would change with ttk, so maybe you're


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