Yep.  That's a bug.  Here's a patch to fix it:

ndex: lib/matplotlib/
--- lib/matplotlib/    (revision 8323)
+++ lib/matplotlib/    (working copy)
@@ -1178,16 +1178,21 @@

  def decade_down(x, base=10):
      'floor x to the nearest lower decade'
+    if x == 0.0:
+        return -base
      lx = math.floor(math.log(x)/math.log(base))
      return base**lx

  def decade_up(x, base=10):
      'ceil x to the nearest higher decade'
+    if x == 0.0:
+        return base
      lx = math.ceil(math.log(x)/math.log(base))
      return base**lx

  def is_decade(x,base=10):
+    if x == 0.0:
+        return True
      lx = math.log(x)/math.log(base)
      return lx==int(lx)


On 05/20/2010 09:43 AM, Christer wrote:
> Thank you for the help, I never knew what the symlog flag did actually.
> However, there is still a slight problem:
> =====================================================
> x = array([0,1,2,4,6,9,12,24])
> y = array([1000000, 500000, 100000, 100, 5, 1, 1, 1])
> subplot(111)
> plot(x, y)
> yscale('symlog')
> xscale=('linear')
> ylim(-1,10000000)
> show()
> =====================================================
> The plot looks exactly like I want it, the problem is when I change
> the "1"'s to "0"'s in the y-array, then I get a:
> File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1029,
> in is_decade
>       lx = math.log(x)/math.log(base)
> ValueError: math domain error
> I suppose that means somewhere a log(0) is attempted. This kind of
> defeats the purpose...
> /C
> Quoting Eric Firing<>:
>> On 05/19/2010 10:28 AM, Benjamin Root wrote:
>>> Maybe I am misunderstanding your problem, but you can select
> 'semilog'
>>> for the x/yscale parameter.
>> You mean "symlog".
>> See
>> Although the example doesn't show it, the axis limits don't have to be
>> symmetric.  For example, on the top plot, you can use
>> gca().set_xlim([0, 100])
>> to show only the right-hand side.
>> Eric
>>> Ben Root
>>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Christer Malmberg
>>> <
>>> <>>  wrote:
>>>      Hi,
>>>      my problem is that I need a graph with a discontinous y-axis. Let
> me
>>>      explain the problem: in my field (microbiology) the data
> generated
>>>      from for example growth assays have a huge range (10^0-10^9),
> which
>>>      has to be plotted on a semilogy style plot (cell concentration
> vs.
>>>      time). The problem is that 0 cells is a useful number to plot
>>>      (indicates cell concentration lower than detection limit), but of
>>>      course not possible to show in a log diagram. This is easily
> solved on
>>>      old-style logarithmic graph paper; since the data will be either
> 0, or
>>>       >1 it is customary just to draw a zero x-axis at 10^-1 on the
> paper
>>>      and that's that. On the computer, this is extremely hard. Most
> people
>>>      I know resort to various tricks in Excel, such as entering a
> small
>>>      number (0.001 etc) and starting the y-axis range from 10^1 to
> hide the
>>>      problem. This makes excel draw a line, instead of leaving out the
> dot
>>>      and line entirely. The part of the curve below the x-axis is then
>>>      manually cut off in a suitable image editor. Needless to say,
> this is
>>>      extremely kludgy. Even professional graphing packages like
> Graphpad
>>>      Prism resort to similar kludges (re-define 0 values to 0.1,
> change the
>>>      y-axis tick label to "0" etc.) This problem of course exists in
> other
>>>      fields, while investigating a solution I found a guy who worked
> with
>>>      aerosol contamination in clean rooms, and he needed to plot
> values
>>>      logarithmically, at the same time as showing detector noise
> around
>>>      1-10 particles. He solved it by the same trick I would like to do
> in
>>>      Matplotlib, namely plotting a standard semilogy plot but with the
>>>      10^-1 to 10^0 decade being replaced by a 0-1 linear axis on the
> same
>>>      side.
>>>      The guy in this post has the same problem and a useful example:
>>>      His partial solution is quite bad though, and I just got stuck
> while
>>>      trying to improve it. I looked around the gallery for useful
> examples,
>>>      and the closest I could find is the twinx/twiny function, but I
> didn't
>>>      manage a plot that put one data curve across both axes.
>>>      This code gives an image that maybe explains what I'm trying to
> do:
>>>      =======================================
>>>      t = array([0,1,2,4,6,9,12,24])
>>>      y = array([1000000, 500000, 100000, 100, 5, 1, 0, 0])
>>>      subplot(111, xscale="linear", yscale="log")
>>>      errorbar(x, y, yerr=0.4*y)
>>>      linbit = axes([0.125, 0.1, 0.775, 0.1],frameon=False)
>>>      linbit.xaxis.set_visible(False)
>>>      for tl in linbit.get_yticklabels():
>>>           tl.set_color('r')
>>>      show()
>>>      =======================================
>>>      (the y=0 points should be plotted and connected to the line in
> the
>>>      log part)
>>>      Is this possible to do in matplotlib? Could someone give me a
> pointer
>>>      on how to go on?
>>>      Sorry for the long mail,
>>>      /C
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Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Space Telescope Science Institute
Baltimore, Maryland, USA


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