vbkhp wrote:
> Hi,
> Could anyone tell me how can I remove matplotlib completely on Mac? 

> I  was on version 0.99 and I wanted to upgrade to version 1.0 so i removed
> the matplotlib directory and the egg file (besides the pylab.py,
> pylab.pyo, and pylab.pyc files),

That should have done it -- except perhaps for your matplotlibrc 
file(s), but you may want to keep that anyway.

> and installed the new version using
> .dmg file "matplotlib-1.0.0-python.org-py2.6-macosx10.4". Now, I can
> import and work with pylab when I call it from the terminal, but I can
> not import it other places like IDLE. I get the following error.

If it's different from IDLE than the command line, that indicates that 
you may be running two different versions of Python. You have at least 
two -- the one that Apple supplied and the python.org one.

> Process:         Python [922]
> Path:            
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python

This is the python.org one -- which is where that dmg file should have 
put the new matplotlib. So which are you running when you use the 
command line?

one way to tell is with by checking the __file__ attribute on an 
arbitrary module:

In [10]: import numpy

In [11]: numpy.__file__

So mine is the python.org one -- the Apple one is in /System/....

Once you've got that cleared up, at least you can know where your 
problem is -- sorry I can't help you with that crash report.

One more thought -- IDLE uses TK, ans so does (optionally) MPL -- 
perhaps there is a version conflict there? (I'm not a IDLE or Tk user, 
so I don't know if that's likely). You might try testing other back ends:

import matplotlib

for instance.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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