On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 14:46, izzybitsie <isid...@juno.com> wrote:
> I did not understand the need for me to write my own transformation
> functions. I only used lat/lon->x/y for the points in the curve and the
> polygon shows up OK. What should I write my own transformations for?

Because matplotlib (and possibly any other tool out there) have
absolutely no idea what transformation have you used to generate your
background picture in the first place. If you want to match grid of
coordinates of you picture with the grid of coordinates of what you
are trying to plot on top of it, you have to input this information

And one possible way of doing this is taking a transformation function
which will be exactly the same as one used to generate your
background. I do not think there is some other, magical way of doing
this. This is not a matplotlib specific problem, it is a general
problem. But maybe someone else will correct me if I am wrong.


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