Hi all,

Following a discussion with a Spyder user regarding simple animations
with Matplotlib, I took a very quick look at the Qt4's backend source
code to see if it was possible to make the following code work (which
is working with the TkAgg backend but not the Qt4 backend):

Apparently, to make it work with the Qt4 backend, one simply has to add:
to the method 'FigureCanvasQt.draw_idle' (matplotlib/backends/backend_qt4.py).

I did not look further to see if this QApplication.processEvents call
is affecting Matplotlib's performance in any way, but I guess that it
won't make a big difference.


PS: I know that this example of animation is clearly not the most
efficient way to animate a Matplotlib figure (and that it's very ugly
from a GUI programming point of view!): the 'animation_blit_qt4.py'
example is probably the recommended way but the simple example above
is some much simpler for beginners.

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