On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 5:06 AM, Bala subramanian <bala.biophys...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Dear Friends, i used the following code to create a 3D plot (attached
> figure). I manipulate the appearance of the graph. Someone please enlighten
> me on the same. I dnt get what functions should i use to do the following
> manipulations.
> 1) How to remove the blue shading in the grid
> 2) How to change the distance between the axis label and axis tick labels

Unfortunately, this is not possible to do with the current version of
matplotlib.  I have been working on making this (somewhat) possible in the
next release.  One thing you can do to make the axes labels look "better" is
to trigger mplot3d's internal logic to rotate the labels to be parallel to
the axes.  mplot3d automatically rotates labels that have more than 4
characters in them.  So, if you want "PC1" to be rotated, set the axis label
to " PC1 " with spaces so that it will have 5 characters and get rotated.

> 3) How to set the interval of the axis ticks. For example the xlim varies
> from -80 to 60. I want to set xticks at an interval of 30 rather than 20 as
> in the plot.
> My code.
> import numpy as np
> import matplotlib as mpl
> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> FIG=plt.figure(figsize=(4.,3.27),dpi=200)
> ax = Axes3D(FIG,azim=-60,elev=15)
> x=np.reshape(np.loadtxt(data[0]),15000)
> y=np.reshape(np.loadtxt(data[1]),15000)
> z=np.reshape(np.loadtxt(data[2]),15000)
> ax.scatter3D(x[::10],y[::10],z[::10],edgecolors=col[i],facecolors='white',marker=mar[i],s=5,alpha=0.7)
> ax.set_xlabel('PC1',size=8)
> ax.set_ylabel('PC2',size=8)
> ax.set_zlabel('PC3',size=8)
> ax.set_xlim3d(-80,60,30)
> ax.set_ylim3d(-40,50,30)
> ax.set_zlim3d(-40,40,30)
Passing '30' to set_xlim to set the tick intervals is not a feature in both
regular 2d plotting and 3d plotting, so I don't know how you expected that
to work.  If you want to manually control the axis ticks, you can use axis
locators just like for 2D plots, keeping in mind that the axis objects for
3d plots are ax.w_xaxis, ax.w_yaxis, and ax.w_zaxis (where for a 2d plot, it
would be ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis, ax.zaxis).

I hope this helps!
Ben Root
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