On 1/18/11 3:33 AM, Nathanaƫl Schaeffer wrote:
> Dear matplotlib developpers,
> I use matplotlib for several years and I'm very satisfied with the it.
> I started using the basemap package a few days ago, and I noticed 
> something that looks like a bug :
> With the Mollweide projection (and others too), when specifying 
> rsphere=1.0, the coastlines is not drawn in the
> left part of the plot. With rsphere=2.0 the hidden part is smaller, 
> and with rsphere=10.0 it is not visible.
> I'm using matplotlib 1.0.0 and basemap 1.0
> To reproduce the bug :
> m = Basemap(projection='moll',lon_0=180,rsphere=1.0)
> m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='grey')     # draw discrete 
> coastlines
> m.drawmapboundary()        # draw a line around the map region
> show()
Nathanaƫl:  Your test script works fine for me (no coastlines are 
missing).  What version of the geos library did you link against?


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