Daniel Fulger, on 2011-01-27 18:16,  wrote:
> Dear all,
> contourset = pyplot.contour(..)
> calculates the contourset but also grabs whatever figure is currently  
> active *somewhere* in the entire code
> and whichever scope it was created. The contours are plotted into it.
> While I could possibly live with that, I would really like to
> suppress any plotting and grabbig of focus. Only the contourset  
> should be calculated.
> I can't find anything that describes this. Everybody wants the plot,  
> not me.
> I would like to avoid hte workaround  to ask for the currently active  
> figure (if!! there is one at all), store the number, and later return  
> focus. Is there no switch parameter (in pyplot or for contour at  
> least) that turns plotting off?

Hi Daniel,

I'm not sure if this gets at what you're asking for, but if
you just want the contours plotted on a figure other than the
currently active one, grab a handle to some other axes and call
contour from the axes itself (the parameters are the same).
Here's what I mean:

f,ax  =plt.subplots(1,1) #grab handles to figure and axes
# or, if you're using an older version of matplotlib, do:
# f=plt.figure();ax=plt.subplot(1,1,1)

f2,ax2  =plt.subplots(1,1) # "f" no longer active figure
contourset = ax.contour(...) # draw to the old figure "f"

You can read more about the difference between using pyplot and
using the object-oriented api here:


On the other hand, if you just want the contour to not show up,
you can pass it alpha=0.0 to make it completely transparent and
invisible (but it's still there)

contourset = pyplot.contour(.., alpha=0.0)
# later call contourset.set_alpha(1.0) to make visible again

Paul Ivanov
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