Dear all,

I'm producing a single figure with subplots arrange in a single columns.
They all share the same x range but the y variable change from subplot to

In order have a nicer figure I hide the first and the last y label of each
subplot in the following way

> ytl = subpl.get_ymajorticklabels()
> ytl[0].set_visible(False)
> ytl[-1].set_visible(False)

It was well in most cases. But I've noticed that in some plot the first
and/or the last label remains.
In this cases, if I "print ytl", it writes "<a list of n Text yticklabel
objects>", where "n" is larger by 1 or 2 than the number of labels shown
before I make them invisible.
So I end up having some label (nearly) exactly on the upper and/or bottom
range of the plot.

Is there a way to force the axis to return exactly the number of labels
shown in the plot?

Thanks in advance,

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