Francesco Montesano, on 2011-03-17 12:05,  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a rather complex code that takes a list of file names and of
> legend tags from command line and compute contour plots
> ./ [options] filename1 ... filename2 tag1 ... tagn
> The codes make filled contours at required levels, then line contours.
> >From the latter I extract one line from each file and create a legend
> spl.legend(lines, [tag1...tagn], other options)
> All it works fine. The only problem is that sometimes I have tags that
> are long and I would like to be able to break between multiple lines.
> In examples/ is shown that 'ax1.plot([1],
> label="multi\nline")' the \n is interpreted (correctly) as new line.
> Normaly I have something like
> ./ [options] filename1 \(long\)tag\$_\{very long\}\$
> that gives me a legend with the correct formatting. If I try to add a
> '\n' after 'tag', I get out the tag as before plus a 'n' after 'tag'.
> I've tried to enclose the whole string or just \n in "" or r"" but
> nothing good happens (either I get 'n' or 'rn').
> Is there a way to do what I want to do?

Hi Francesco,

If you are using bash, you can insert newlines using the
Enter/Return key if you start an argument with a quote like this:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
print "Program output:", sys.argv
print sys.argv[-1]

$ ./ "something

Program output: ['./', 'something\nwith\nnewlines']

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