The minimum versions of numpy required for the matplotlib-1.1.0 Windows 
installers are:

numpy-1.4.1 win32-py2.5
numpy-1.5.1 win32-py2.6
numpy-1.5.1 win32-py2.7
numpy-1.6.1 win-amd64-py2.x


On 10/11/2011 6:00 AM, John Hunter wrote:
> A new release of matplotlib is available for download at
> There are lots of nifty new features like Sankey diagrams, an API for
> animations and movie making, enhanced 3D support, support for
> auto-layout of subplots with titles, xlabels and ylabels to prevent
> text from running off the edge of the figure (tight_layout), pyside
> supoprt, enhanced legends, and tons of other minor features and
> bug-fixes.  See what's new at
> and the CHANGELOG at
> and the commit history at
> Please post issues on the github issue tracker and questions on the mailing 
> list
> Thanks to all the matplotlib developers who contributed to this
> release, with special thanks to Michael Droettboom, Eric Firing,
> Benjamin Root, Jouni Seppänen, Kevin Davies and Jae-Joon Lee for lots
> of code contributions and bug fixes and to Christoph Gohlke and
> Russell Owen for the windows and OX X binary installers.

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