
Have you tried using virtualenv with Python 2.7?  I'm in the same situation and 
I find using a virtual environment for different configuration schemes allows 
me to have the up-to-date Python modules without the Mac's "semi-legacy" Python 
version.  It's fairly simple to set up - if you're interested I can discuss the 
details with you.


David Welch

Something you entered
transcended parameters.
So much is unknown.

-Salon Magazine, Error Haiku Challenge

On 29Dec, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Paul Beard wrote:

> This is turning out to be complicated. Is there any easier way? 
> It may be something as simple as a damaged archive, as this doesn't look 
> right: 
> [/home/paul/src/basemap-1.0.2]:: find . -name
> ( AM / Thu Dec 29)
> It makes this step difficult: 
> 3) cd back to the top level basemap directory (basemap-X.Y.Z) and
> run the usual 'python install'.  Check your installation
> by running "from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap" at the python
> prompt.
> I have tried easy-install (it wasn't). I have tried pulling from git:
> python build
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 42, in <module>
>     from setupext import build_agg, build_gtkagg, build_tkagg,\
>   File "/usr/home/paul/src/matplotlib/", line 184, in <module>
>     basedirlist = basedir[sys.platform]
> KeyError: 'freebsd8'
> I tried the packaged version on OS X Lion: 
> <Screen Shot 2011-12-29 at 6.59.57 AM.png>
> Built for OS X 10.3? Really? 
> I'm not installing fink or macports or homebrew: if it doesn't install from 
> source without a duplicated file hierarchy I'm not interested.
> Any hope here? 
> --
> Paul Beard
> Are you trying to win an argument or solve a problem? 
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