> > Trying to help a Mac friend running OSX 10.7 (Lion) easily set up to test
> > scripts I send him, and have some questions:
> >
> > 1) Can Matplotlib 1.1 run on the Python 2.7.2 version that comes with
> > Lion?
> Yes. You can easily build it yoursef as long as you have XCode
> installed:
> - Edit setupext.py so that the list of values for "darwin" is
> ['/usr/local', '/usr', /usr/X11']
> (and for a really vanilla build leave out /usr/local). (I have a pull
> request for this to be part of the standard distro, but I don't know if
> or when it will go in since not a big issue.)
> Then do the usual:
> % python setup.py build
> % sudo python setup.py install

Where are you getting matplotlib 1.1 for Mac OSX 10.7 from to build it?

> > 2) When is there expected to be an installer for Matplotlib 1.1 for OSX
> > 10.7?
> There is one, but like all the matplotlib (and numpy and scipy) official
> binaries it uses python.org's python, not Apple's.
> To go this route install python.org's Python 2.7.2 for 10.6-and-later
> (which is 64-bit) and then install the official numpy and matpotlib
> binaries.

>From where?  I didn't see it.  I am talking about having a binary
installer on the Matplotlib downloads page,,. the last one I see there
is this, which is for OSX-10.6:

matplotlib-1.1.0-py2.7-python.org-macosx10.6.dmg        2012-02-15

which is from about two month ago.


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