Thx Francesco, it works great!

What for the .T at the end of genfromtxt?

2012/5/29 Francesco Montesano <>:
> Dear Fabien
> 2012/5/29 Fabien Lafont <>:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a problem. I have to look at many plots. Usely I do it like that:
>> from pylab import*
>> X1 = genfromtxt("Myfile.dat", usecols =(0))
>> Y1 = genfromtxt("Myfile.dat", usecols =(1))
>> plot(X1,Y1, label ="My curve")
>> show()
>> But the problem is when I have many plots I have to copy paste and
>> change manually all the name of the variables X1, X2, X3...etc. It's
>> not really convenient.
>> I want to create a def with the name of my file as argument which do
>> something like that:
>> from pylab import*
>> def plotgraph(name):
>>    X_name = genfromtxt("name", usecols =(0))
>>    Y_name = genfromtxt("name", usecols =(1))
>>    plot(X_name,Y_name, label ="name")
>> plotgraph(MyFile)
>> show()
> Try this:
> def plotgraph(name):
>   """Plot stuff:
>   name: string
>     file name
>   """
>   X_name, Y_name = genfromtxt(name, usecols =(0,1)).T
>   plot(X_name,Y_name, label =name)
> 'name' should contain already a string, so you have to pass it to
> genfromtxt. I you pass "name", the file name is "name" and not the
> what is in the variable.
> Just a note: if you read the file as 'X_name, Y_name =
> genfromtxt(name, usecols =(0,1)).T'  you open, read and close the file
> only once.
> Cheers,
> Francesco
>> But it doesn't work. Do you know why? Do you have a smarter idea?
>> Thanks!
>> Fab
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