On 2012/07/09 7:33 AM, Brendan Barnwell wrote:
> On 2012-07-09 06:13, Benjamin Root wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Brendan Barnwell<brenb...@brenbarn.net>wrote:
>>>   cs = pyplot.contourf(x,y,z,levels=np.arange(50, 220, 20),
>>>   cmap=pyplot.cm.jet, extend='both')
>>>   cs.cmap.set_under('k')
>>>   cs.set_clim(50, 210)
>>>   cb = pyplot.colorbar(cs)
>>>           But why do I have to do this?  The whole reason I passed in my
>>>   specified levels was because I wanted THOSE to be the data limits.
>>>   Why is matplotlib expanding the data limits, and thus preventing me
>>>   from specifying the "out of range" color using the normal set_under
>>>   and set_over methods?
>> You are right, that behavior is very inconsistent with the documentation.
>> Looking over the QuadContourSet._process_levels() method, I doubt the
>> problem lies there.  While testing, I noticed that whatever color I set for
>> set_under() was always being ignored in the colorbar.  I suspect the
>> problem lies there.
>       You mean in the colorbar and/or set_under?  I don't think so, because
> the problem occurs whether or not you use a colorbar, and, at least
> for me, set_under works as long as the data limits are set correctly.
>    If in my code above, I change set_under("k") to set_under("yellow")
> or whatever else I like, that color is correctly used both in the
> contourf plot and on the colorbar (on the lower arrow).  The code that
> I pointed to in _process_levels is setting vmin and vmax.  It's
> possible this isn't the root of the problem, but the code certainly
> looks strange and unmotivated, and it is what's causing incorrect clim
> to be set.

I assure you it was not unmotivated; but I agree that there is a problem 
here that needs to be solved cleanly.  I will look into it.


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