Those *.afm fonts are only available in the postscript backend when 
"ps.usecorefonts" is set to True. Otherwise, you have to use 
TrueType/OpenType fonts.


On 09/25/2012 12:11 PM, Steven Boada wrote:
> Hey Mike
> $ fc-match Helvetica
> n019003l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans L" "Regular"
> Perhaps I don't have the fonts installed...
> In my matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ I have the following fonts installed...
> in ttf/
> cmb10.ttf      RELEASENOTES.TXT       STIXSizFourSymBol.ttf VeraIt.ttf
> cmex10.ttf     STIXGeneralBolIta.ttf  STIXSizFourSymReg.ttf VeraMoBd.ttf
> cmmi10.ttf     STIXGeneralBol.ttf     STIXSizOneSymBol.ttf VeraMoBI.ttf
> cmr10.ttf      STIXGeneralItalic.ttf  STIXSizOneSymReg.ttf VeraMoIt.ttf
> cmss10.ttf     STIXGeneral.ttf        STIXSizThreeSymBol.ttf VeraMono.ttf
> cmsy10.ttf     STIXNonUniBolIta.ttf   STIXSizThreeSymReg.ttf VeraSeBd.ttf
> cmtt10.ttf     STIXNonUniBol.ttf      STIXSizTwoSymBol.ttf VeraSe.ttf
> COPYRIGHT.TXT  STIXNonUniIta.ttf      STIXSizTwoSymReg.ttf Vera.ttf
> LICENSE_STIX   STIXNonUni.ttf         VeraBd.ttf
> README.TXT     STIXSizFiveSymReg.ttf  VeraBI.ttf
> and in pdfcorefonts
> Courier.afm              Helvetica-Bold.afm         Times-Bold.afm
> Courier-Bold.afm         Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm Times-BoldItalic.afm
> Courier-BoldOblique.afm  Helvetica-Oblique.afm      Times-Italic.afm
> Courier-Oblique.afm      readme.txt                 Times-Roman.afm
> Helvetica.afm            Symbol.afm                 ZapfDingbats.afm
> Which does include some Helvetica fonts. And the font that I am trying
> to use doesn't *have* to be helvetica. I just like that font, so I was
> playing with it.
> Steven
> On 9/25/12 10:41 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
>> Do you have a font installed called Helvetica?  That's pretty rare these
>> days...  most systems have one of the many Helvetica clones instead.
>> Does "fc-match Helvetica" (at the commandline) return anything?
>> Mike
>> On 09/25/2012 10:05 AM, Steven Boada wrote:
>>> List,
>>> I am trying, with little success, to change the fonts on my plots. It
>>> seems like a simple thing to do, but I can't seem to make it work.
>>> First, here is the relevant section of my Matplotlibrc file:
>>> backend      : GTKAgg
>>>         : sans-serif
>>>          : normal
>>> font.weight         : medium
>>> font.sans-serif     : Helvetica
>>> (I copied this from the Matplotlibrc documentation page)
>>> Now if I make a plot, and put some labels on there... (just using ipython)
>>> In [3]: figure()
>>> Out[3]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x2acb950>
>>> In [4]: xlabel('Hz',fontsize=20)
>>> Out[4]: <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x2ae3510>
>>> In [5]:
>>> /opt/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
>>> UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['sans-serif'] not found. Falling
>>> back to Bitstream Vera Sans
>>>       (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))
>>> I get this over and over and over again. I have deleted everything in my
>>> ~/.matplotlib folder. That is, I have deleted all of the font caches...
>>> I can't come up with anything else. The internet seems to thing that
>>> just deleting the caches will fix everything. In my case it doesn't.
>>> I get this problem on both my mac, and my Ubuntu Linux 12.04 machine.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Steven
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