I was after a similar issue once, and asked this question at SO:


Manual positioning is fine sometimes if I want to really place windows
side-by-side for comparison purposes. However it would be nicer if mpl were
to remember positions of figures so that it would place the new figures
exactly the same place where they were before closed.

Actually, I have similar complaint for other windows opened in my Fedora 16
(Gnome 3.2) system. Say for instance I start a gvim instance, then move its
window to my second monitor, but closing and re-opening it, the window's
position is restored to the first monitor. Same thing is for evince,
sometimes it opens pdf's on the first monitor, sometimes on the second,
randomly position at least for my observation. I don't know where to look
for a solution; in each specific program, or windows manager should handle
/ remember positions of windows on screens.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Jianbao Tao <jianbao....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to specify the position of a figure window when one is
> created? This will be a killing feature if one wants to put the figure
> window at the right place in the screen automatically. It is annoying if
> ones has to drag a new figure to a comfortable place in the screen every
> time a new figure is created.
> Jianbao
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