I'm having problems recently with printing EPS figures created by
matplotlib. To me this is strange because printing postscript should
just work in my opinion.

My most recent example is a Basemap thing with AxesGrid. Basically the
idea was to have six maps nicely arranged on a DIN A4 paper for
printout. The EPS looked nice on my notebook but printing them on our
freshly leased printers at the institute failed in the middle of the
fifth map (six maps in total). I have Ghostscript 9.07 and it turned out
that this EPS stopped working with just one earlier version (a college
with Ghostscript 9.06 could not open the EPS or more correct Ghostview
failed in the middle of map number five).

I expect such a Ghostscript version thing to be the problem also with
the printer. If that is the case don't you think that's ridiculous?
Isn't at least some legacy support wanted?

I don't have a minimal example yet, but I could try to create one next
week if the need is there. The above mentioned thing was something
along the lines of:

import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid

# loading data

fig = pl.figure(1, (16,19))
grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111,
            nrows_ncols = (3, 2),
            axes_pad = 0.3,
            cbar_location = 'top',
            cbar_mode = 'each',
            cbar_size = '3%',
            cbar_pad = '1%',
for i in range(6):
    bmap = Basemap(projection='aeqd', ..., ax=grid[i])

pl.savefig('sixer.eps', bbox_inches='tight')

Best regards, Yoshi

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