
I'd recommend to load the binary data and store it as a numpy ndarray,


If your data is one-dimensional you can simply use matplotlib.pyplot.hist,


to plot the histogram. The 'normed' keyword argument allows matplotlib
to normalize the histogram so that the plot will show the pdf.

In order to unpack the data-files you need to know the binary format.
Can you please provide more information about that.



On 04.11.2013 07:03, Sourav Chatterjee wrote:
> I have binary files containing some discrete data. I need to calculate
> the probability density function (pdf) and plot the same. Do I need to
> unpack the data files? How? For plotting the pdf what module is easier?
> -- 
> Sourav Chatterjee
> Trainee Scientist
> Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune  
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