On 11/18/2013 3:31 PM, Bradley Coleman wrote: > when I add and change a DPI > argument to savefig(), it just blows up the dimensions of the PNG
This is how I understand things, but I'm just a user. Matplotlib interprets ``dpi`` as ``pixels per inch``. PNG is a (compressed) bitmap format, so it maps to a rectangle of pixels. You are trying to set dpi, figure size in inches, and figure size in pixels independently. That's a no go. Any two will determine the 3rd. This is algebra, not a Matplotlib limitation. I ideally you will determine what you need your figure size to be **in pixels**, and then produce this when you make your figure. For example, if you want a 760x760 image, you could set the image size to say 5x5 and the dpi to 152. If you want to shrink or increase the size of a given figure, there are two ways to do it: - change dpi, which will scale everthing (including lines and fonts) - change fig size, which will leave lines and fonts the same size So if you have a target size in pixels (e.g., 760x760) and an existing figure, you have to decide whether you care about the fig size or keeping your lines and fonts the same size. However, if you are changing a bunch of figures in exactly the same fashion, you may be able to get what you want by changing the default settings to linewidth. You mentioned tick marks in particular. See the TICKS section of http://matplotlib.org/users/customizing.html (These can also be set on a per file basis, but that's a hassle.) hth, Alan Isaac ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shape the Mobile Experience: Free Subscription Software experts and developers: Be at the forefront of tech innovation. Intel(R) Software Adrenaline delivers strategic insight and game-changing conversations that shape the rapidly evolving mobile landscape. Sign up now. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=63431311&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk _______________________________________________ Matplotlib-users mailing list Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/matplotlib-users