Thanks for the report.

Indeed, you are correct in that the root of this problem is that "Bitstream Vera Sans" does not contain these characters, yet it is being selected erroneously.

It does appear that there is a bug in the font selection algorithm, that "Bitstream Vera Sans" gets selected as a perfect match even when it is not the first font in the requested list. Vera Sans ships with matplotlib and is the "default fallback font", even though it is not installed as a system font on your computer.

I have a fix here:

In the meantime, the solution you arrived at is the probably the best we can do for now.


On 01/27/2014 11:21 AM, Phil Elson wrote:
Thanks for this Vlastimil, looks like there is either a subtlety beyond my font knowledge or a bug here - mdboom, did you have any ideas? Otherwise I think we need a github issue for this.


On 4 January 2014 19:37, Vlastimil Brom < <>> wrote:

    Hi all,
    after upgrading to matplotlib 1.3.1, I noticed some display errors on
    the plots with regard to accented characters (such as carons etc.).
    As I recall, I had similar problem in the past and could work around
    them by modifying rcParams, however, this fix doesn't work as expected
    in 1.3.1. (with python 2.7.6, 32bit on Win 7, Czech - with both WXAgg
    and TKAgg backends).
    >From the usual Czech diacritics   ác(d(ée(ín(ór(s(t(úu*ýz( some
    are not
    displayed  (d(e(n(r(t(u*) - replacement squares are shown instead.

    Simply prepending a suitable font at the beginning of the list
    rcParams['font.sans-serif'] doesn't help in 1.3.1.
    I eventually found out, that "Bitstream Vera Sans" (which is not
    installed on this computer) is somehow offending - as long as this
    item is in the list (even at the end), the mentioned characters aren't

    The problem can be observed in the following simple pylab script:
    #! Python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    # with implicit fonts "d(e(n(r(t(u*" are not displayed properly in
    the plot title
    from matplotlib import rcParams
    rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
    if "Bitstream Vera Sans" in rcParams['font.sans-serif']:
        rcParams['font.sans-serif'].remove("Bitstream Vera Sans")

    # after appending the "offending" font even at the end of the list (by
    uncommenting the following line), d(e(n(r(t(u* are not displayed again
    # rcParams['font.sans-serif'].append("Bitstream Vera Sans")

    import pylab
    pylab.title(u"abcd ác(d(ée(ín(ór(s(t(úu*ýz( äöüß ê xyz")

    Is there something special in the resolution of the font items in
    This individual issue seems to be fixed with removing the single font,
    but I'd like to understand this more generally, as the installed fonts
    on different computers differ.

    Thanks in advance
                  Vlastimil Brom

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