I can confirm the inconsistency between behavior and documentation for 1.3.1.  
The errorbar line gets the color of the line, not the marker.  Probably you 
should file a bug report on github.


On Apr 11, 2014, at 7:50AM, Oliver wrote:

> I apologize if this has been fixed already, I can only check different 
> versions at home. However, the documentation of mpl 1.3.1. has the same 
> information. So unless the code changed to reflect the documentation, this is 
> still present.
> When using errorbar, the documentation says the color of the errorbar lines 
> will match with the color of the markers if ecolor=None. That’s not what I 
> found. Apparently it takes over the color of the Line2D instance which 
> interconnects the markers.
> Short, Self Contained, Correct Example:
> from pylab import *
> plt.ion()  # saves typing show
> x = np.arange(10)
> y = np.random.rand(10)
> xerr, yerr = y/4., y/4.
> # Markers in red, but errorlines assume the color of the "trendline" (default 
> rcparams: blue).
> errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, mfc='r', marker='o', ecolor=None) 
> # Errorlines get color green now - documentation not in line with results
> figure(); errorbar(x, y, yerr=xerr, mfc='r', marker='o', ecolor=None, 
> color='g')
> # Errorlines get color blue now, because it can be specified - expected 
> behaviour
> figure(); errorbar(x, y, yerr=xerr, mfc='r', marker='o', ecolor='b', 
> color='g')
> Is this an oversight mistake?
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