On 2014/04/17 11:07 AM, Elden Crom wrote:
> matplotlib is impressive in its capabilities, I didn't realize how much so
> until I download from the git, and made a little script to run all of the
> examples.

Thank you.

It's hidden away, but a script to do this type of thing exists.  For a 
long time it was effectively our testing mechanism--run all the examples 
and scan the results to see if they looked right.  It is 


> I'm way too much of a newbie here to check anything in, but I thought
> someone may find this trinket useful.  As written, it should be in the
> 'matplotlib/examples' directory named 'runAll.py', if someone is so inclined
> to check it in.  Feel free to edit or eviscerate it or whatever.
> --------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/python
> ###############################################################################
> ##
> ##    Date        Name        SCR#    Description
> ##  --------    ------------  ------
> --------------------------------------------
> ##  2014-04-17  Elden Crom    N#A     Initial Release
> ###############################################################################
> import subprocess, os
> ###To make the demos work that needed sample data I had to
> ### 'cp /etc/matplotlibrc ~/.matplotlib/'  and edit the examples.directory
> ###  entry to not have the extra tick marks ie
> ### """examples.directory : /usr/share/matplotlib/sampledata"""
> ### but I think this was because of a version issue....
> dirs = [root for root, dir, files in os.walk(".")]
> #dirs = ['./showcase', './widgets']  #to only run a directory or two
> excluded = ['./runAll.py','./tests/backend_driver.py']
> def myfilter(d,f):
>      fpth = os.path.join(d,f)
>      return (os.path.isfile(fpth) and
>              f.endswith('.py') and
>              not fpth in excluded)
> pyfiles =[]
> for d in dirs:
>      pyfiles.extend([ (d,f) for f in os.listdir(d) if myfilter(d,f) ])
> #there are over 400 examples in the git repository
> #[git clone git://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib.git]/matplotlib/examples
> #so you might not want to see them all in one setting!
> #pyfiles=pyfiles[100+100:]
> for i,(d,f) in enumerate(pyfiles):
>      print "--------------------Executing 'python %s'------------------(%d of
> %d)--"%(os.path.join(d,f),i,len(pyfiles))
>      subprocess.Popen(["python", f],cwd=d).wait()
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