On 12.09.2014 20:01, ConcreteVitamin wrote:
> Accidentally hit send, sorry.. Completed email:
> I have a graph that looks like this [1], in which each line has
> different markers for the same number of points. I'd like to add a
> separate "legend box" (like the one already in the graph) for the
> markers only:
>    <circle>: description for circle
>    <right triangle>: description for right triangle
>    ... and so on...
> How can I do this? After googling a bit I couldn't find an answer. Thanks a 
> lot!

The plt.legend docstring says

   To make a legend for a list of lines and labels::

   legend( (line1, line2, line3), ('label1', 'label2', 'label3') )

So I would try something along the lines of

   # plot lines
   line1 = ax.plot(...)
   linen = ax.plot(...)
   lineleg = ax.legend((line1, ..., linen), ('linelabel1', ...))

   # plot symbols
   symb1 = ax.plot(...)
   symbn = ax.plot(...)
   symbleg = ax.legend((symb1, ..., symbn), ('symblabel1', ...))


> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 11:00 AM, ConcreteVitamin
> <concretevita...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi matplotlib-users@,
>> I have a graph that looks like this [1], in which each line has
>> different markers for the same number of points. I'd like to add a
>> separate "legend box" (like the one already in the graph) for the
>> markers only:
>>    <circle>: description for circle
>>    <right triangle>: description for right triangle
>> [1] http://imgur.com/tmFpix1
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