This bug has already been fixed in the source.

The work around for now is to use the full name `color='r'` instead of the
alais 'c'.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:06 PM Yuxiang Wang <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have tried both latest Anaconda and WinPython in Windows 7, 64-bit
> system, with Python 3.4 64-bit, and both run into this issue:
> 1) Open up a new IPython QtConsole (version 3.0.0), and make sure
> matplotlib version is 1.4.3
> 2) It doesn't matter which backend you are using. Do:
> ```python
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> plt.plot(range(5), c='r')
> ```
> 3) The default color blue showed up, rather than red.
> Could anyone please help me with this? Can you repeat the error that I see
> here?
> Thanks!
> Shawn
> --
> Yuxiang "Shawn" Wang
> Gerling Research Lab
> University of Virginia
> +1 (434) 284-0836
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